Michael Carrick: Flop or Not?

Since Manchester United signed English midfielder Michael Carrick from Spurs last summer he has ,in my view failed to live up to his 18 million pound price tag. I think Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson believes that as well because he went out and bought Owen Hargreaves, who plays in the exact same role as him, for 17 million pounds from Bayern Munich this summer.

He was signed as a replacement to former United legend Roy Keane and also wears the coveted number 16 shirt at the club. He has looked amazingly average in every single game I've seen him play in for United. I feel Hargreaves has stepped into the role nicely since joining the Red Devils, although he has been injured a lot so far for them.

When he was at Spurs, he was simply a good player in a decent side, but now he's at United he's simply an average player at a big club. I understand that he does play in a highly understated role in defensive midfield, but I for one don't ever remember him putting in a performance to talk about.

My personal view is that he possibly should of stayed at Spurs a while longer and then develop into a great player by playing week in, week out and then maybe make the switch to a big side like United. He is only twenty six and has his best years ahead of him, but at the moment for me, he has been a flop at the Champions.



  1. -zuco- said,

    From what I have just read, I am going to assume that you don't watch many United games and that you have a poor grasp of the English language.

    Carrick has been a great addition to our team and his role cannot be underestimated. Whilst Sholes receives all the accolades; Carrick for me has been made to work harder by the aging gingerman's reluctance to tackle back once he's lost the ball. Carrick has created many many chances for the united forwards with his incisive passing and quick thinking and developed a strong partnership with Scholes almost instantly.

    You said that he hasn't had one good performance for United! Did you not watch the demolition of Roma last season? The flood of goals was started by Carrick's brilliant long range finish, he was a central part of the magical four pass, one touch goal scored by Alan Smith and he went on to score another brilliant goal from twenty five yards which rifled into the top right hand corner of the net.

    Top tip: Watch more football and then write this article again!

    on 6:39 p.m.  

  2. ryann said,

    Absolute bollocks. He was one of the core reasons why Man United are the champions last season. Though he plays deep in midfield, similar to where Roy keane used to roam, it is obvious that he is a different kind of player to Keane. He has this amazing ability to retain possession even under tremendous pressure. With this, he brings a sense of calmness to the team. We all know of his astute vision and great passing abilities. But during the course of last season and this, he has proven that he is not far behind, hargreaves or any other midfielders, in the 'ball-winning department'. Perhaps the only down side of his game is the lack of goals. However, as danny mentioned, carrick showed us what he is really capable of in the memorable 7-1 trouncing of mighty Roma at Old Trafford. I can't believe you didn't watch that game. I highly reccomend you to watch the highlights of it on youtube or anywhere else for that matter. Its a great spectacle for any nuetral, and needless to say, all united fans. Carrick was, for me and many others i know, the Man of the match. And by a mile too. Yes, Sir Alex has gone on to buy hargreaves but i dare say its a move to ease the eventual retirement of legends like Scholes. Moreover, after the departure of United's beloved captian (it is Roy Keane, in case you didn't know), the team was very 'thin' in midfield. The likes of O'Shea, the ever-improving Fletcher and the then make-shift centre-mid Alan Smith can't be considered as midfield king-pins for a team like United. Now, with the arrival of hargreaves, there is even something called 'competition for places' in case in haven't heard of it.

    The fluidity, creativity and 'calmness' Michael Carrick provides to the team is invaluable. Just as many United fans will tell you, if they even bother to, winning the League again last season (after more than 3 years) is priceless! I for one would think that carrick is worth every penny United paid for him.

    Top tip #2: Go watch the Man U roma 7-1 game. That may be a good start for you.

    on 6:57 p.m.  

  3. jimmyboy said,

    He aint saying he is a bad player. Just not worth 18 million. As he said "amazingly average".

    on 12:21 a.m.  

  4. ryann said,

    "he has been a flop at the Champions." was how he left it. It is an understatement to say he has been average. But to call him a flop suggest to me that the writer of this article haven't really understood the game. At least not Man United's.

    When we speak about the so-called "huge price tag" of carrick we must take into accout a couple of factors. We have come to know that the price for english players has often been inflated. Plus, history shows that Man United often has to pay a premium price for players. Having said that, it is especially crucial for English clubs to have a strong English/British-based core of players. More so for a club with a rich and strong history like Manchester United Football Club. These players understand the proud traditions of the club.

    I could understand why many had their doubts when Carrick first signed for United. But after the performances he put in for the whole of last season (and this), I cannot possibly understand why someone would name him a flop.


    on 9:31 p.m.